Budget Information

Budgetary Process

An operating budget is adopted prior to the beginning of each year for the General Fund on the modified accrual basis of accounting. The General Fund is the only fund for which a budget is legally required. In accordance with Act 1 of 2006, the Board shall annually, but not later than the first business meeting of January, decide the budget option to be used for the following fiscal year. The Board shall approve either the Accelerated Budget Process Option or the Board Resolution Option.

Accelerated Budget Process Option

Under this option, a preliminary budget must be prepared 150 days prior to the primary election. Under this Option, the preliminary budget must be available for public inspection at least 110 days prior to the primary election. The Board shall give public notice of its intent to adopt the preliminary budget at least 10 days prior to the adoption. The adoption must occur at least 90 days prior to the primary election.

If the preliminary budget exceeds the increase authorized by the Index, an application for an exception may be filed with either a Court of Common Pleas with jurisdiction or PDE and made available for public inspection. The Board may opt to forego applying for an exception by submitting a referendum question seeking voter approval for a tax increase, in accordance with Act 1.

The final budget shall include any necessary changes from the adopted preliminary budget. Any reduction required as the result of the failure of referendum shall be clearly stated. The final budget shall be made available for public inspection at least 20 days prior to final adoption. The Board shall annually adopt the final budget by a majority vote of all members of the Board prior to June 30.

Board Resolution Option

Under the Board Resolution Option, the Board shall adopt a resolution that it will not raise the rate of any tax for the following fiscal year by more than the Index. Such resolution shall be adopted no later than 110 days prior to the primary election. At least 30 days prior to adoption of the final budget the Board shall prepare a proposed budget. The proposed budget shall be available for public inspection at least 20 days prior to adoption of the budget. The Board shall give public notice of its intent to adopt at least 10 days prior to adoption of the proposed budget. The Board shall annually adopt the final budget by a majority vote of all members of the Board by June 30.

Legal budgetary control is maintained at the sub-function/major object level. The PA School Code allows the School Board to make budgetary transfers between major function and major object codes only within the last nine months of the fiscal year, unless there is a two-thirds majority of the Board approving the transfer. Appropriations lapse at the end of the fiscal period.