VOLUNTEER: An adult, whose role is more than that of a visitor, who voluntarily offers a service to the district without receiving compensation from the district. A volunteer is not a school employee.
The Palisades School District (PSD) has established protocols for volunteers. The protocol regulations for all volunteers visiting the district include:
1. Read, complete, and sign the Act 24 Form. The signed form should be submitted to the Superintendent's secretary's office.
2. Volunteering during school hours should be first arranged with a teacher, principal, or designee.
3. All volunteers must identify themselves to the school greeter, principal, or designee upon entering the school grounds.
4. All volunteers must sign-in at the building office, during regular school hours. If a the volunteer has entered the building for legitimate reasons, the secretary/greeter should register the volunteer using the current system with a current picture ID, issue a visitor badge, and escort the volunteer to their destination.
5. Prior to leaving the building, a volunteer must sign-out in the main office, and return the issued visitor badge.
6. Volunteers may not have free reign of the building or grounds. An employee should escort them to and from their destination.
7. The volunteer must comply with all school rules while in the building and on school grounds.
8. A volunteer failing to comply with any of these procedures and/or causing a disruption of the educational process may be barred or removed from the school at the principal's discretion. The individual also may be charged with criminal trespassing.
There are three (3) classifications of a volunteer:
Guest Volunteer (Casual) - an adult who voluntarily provides a service to the district, without compensation, who: works directly under the supervision and direction of a school administrator, teacher, or other member of the school staff; and does not have direct volunteer contact with children. (Examples, but not limited to: assisting in classroom celebrations, school assemblies or concerts, reading to students in class, collecting tickets at sporting events, working concession stands, or participating in special day events)
Position Volunteer (Direct contact) - an adult applying for or holding an unpaid position with a school or a program, activity, or service, and as a person responsible for the child’s welfare or having direct volunteer contact with children. Direct contact is defined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education as the care, supervision, guidance, or control of children or routine interaction with children. Routine interaction is regular and repeated contact that is integral to a person’s employment or volunteer responsibilities. (Examples, but not limited to: field trip chaperones, tutors, coaches, activity advisor, recess or library aides)
Student Volunteer- A Palisades School District student who volunteers for a PSD activity, either in their school building or another building, does not require any clearances regardless of their age. The student shall be supervised by an adult who is an employee of the district and that adult shall be on the site of the volunteer activity.
If the classification for a particular volunteer is unclear, the principal or designee should confirm what classification the individual falls under.
Guest Volunteers
A Guest Volunteer requires the following clearance:
- Act 24- Arrest/Conviction Form
Position Volunteers
A Position Volunteer requires the following clearances:
-Act 24-Arrest/Conviction Form
-Act 34-Pennsylvania Criminal History Clearance
-Act 114-Federal Criminal History Clearance (fingerprints)
-Act 151-Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance
All clearances must be renewed every 60 months (5 years) from the date of the clearance.
All volunteer clearances will be reviewed. The Superintendent has the right after reviewing all clearances to deny volunteer access and opportunities. If an individual was to be denied, a communication would be sent to the individual.
Please note: If volunteering ten (10) or more hours per week a Tuberculosis test is required. The Pennsylvania Public School Code, Section 1418(b) requires a TB test for anyone in direct contact with students for 10 or more hours in a given week; this includes volunteers. (see below for TB Form)
Act 24- Arrest/Conviction Form
The Act 24 Form can be obtained by visiting any of our district buildings' main office or by using the link below. The form must be reviewed, completed, and signed.
Act 34-Pennsylvania Criminal History Clearance
The PA Criminal History Clearance can be obtained by visiting the Pennsylvania Access to Criminal History website (PATCH). Once you have processed your request, go to the home page to "Check the Status of a Record Check", enter your information, click on your control number, and in the right-hand column of the next page there will be a receipt field with a blue number next to it. Click on the number and you will be taken to your receipt to view or print your clearance.
Act 114-Federal Criminal History Clearance (see exception below*)
The Federal Criminal History Clearance requires getting your fingerprints taken. You can make an appointment locally by visiting the IdentGO website. Please use Service Code: 1KG6XN
More information and the ability to locate a fingerprinting site can be found on the IdentGO website.
*Exception: If you have lived in the state of Pennsylvania for the last 10 years or more, you may submit a Volunteer Affidavit in place of fingerprints. The Volunteer Waiver can be obtained by visiting any of our district buildings' main offices. The form must be reviewed, signed, and notarized. Please call 610.847.5131 ext. 4000 to make an appointment for free notary services at the district.
Act 151-Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance
The Child Abuse Clearance can be obtained by visiting the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Information Solution Portal. A copy of your clearance will be emailed or mailed to you when completed depending on your preference at the time of the request.
Tuberculosis Test
If volunteering ten (10) or more hours per week, a Tuberculosis test is required. Results must be submitted along with clearances in order to be approved for volunteering.
-The deadline for submitting clearances to the district for the current is school year is October 31st. Any clearances submitted after that time may be accepted but volunteering opportunities may be denied until the following year.
-Clearances must be current within a year of the date on which you submit them to the district.
-Clearances and TB test results can be submitted to the building in which you wish to volunteer, or mailed to the Superintendent's secretary's office at Palisades School District, 39 Thomas Free Drive, Kintnersville, PA 18930, or emailed to [email protected]
Important information concerning your clearances:
-Volunteers shall report to the Superintendent or designee, in writing, within seventy-two (72) hours, an arrest or conviction required to be reported by law or notification that the volunteer has been named as a perpetrator in a founded or indicated report pursuant to the Child Protective Services Law. The Superintendent or designee shall immediately require a position volunteer to submit new certifications if the Superintendent or designee has a reasonable belief that the volunteer was arrested for or has been convicted of an offense required to be reported by law, was named as a perpetrator in a founded or indicated report, or has provided written notice of such occurrence. Failure to accurately report such occurrences may subject the position volunteer to disciplinary action up to and including denial of volunteer service and criminal prosecution.
-Clearances requested from resources other than the above listed websites or locations will not be accepted.
-Act 151 and Act 34 clearances may be submitted from prior volunteer situations, such as a church or youth sports organization. The clearances must be current within a year of the date you submit them to the district.
-If you are a PSD employee or prior employee, and you have a break in employment or no longer work for the district, clearances must be issued after the change in status date and be current within a year of the date you submit them to the district.
-Act 53 requires school employees and volunteers with direct contact with children to provide or renew Act 34, Act 114 (or Volunteer Waiver), and Act 151 every 60 months (5 years) from the date of the clearance.
-If you are submitting a Volunteer Waiver in place of fingerprinting, the district will only accept notarized waivers.
-All volunteer clearances will be reviewed. The Superintendent has the right after reviewing all clearances to deny volunteer access and opportunities. If an individual was to be denied, a communication would be sent to the individual.