2023-2024 Board Goals

Objective Performance Standards: Palisades School District

School Year 2023/2024

Bridget O’Connell

Board Goals 2023-2024
Academic Excellence -
Comprehensive Plan 

ACTION: Establish new technology task force of administrators, teachers and community members to advise board on (1) research regarding the use of technology in the K - 12 teaching and learning environment; (2) best practices on data collection and the purchase, implementation and administration of technology platforms throughout the district.

ACTION: Develop standard, regular data reporting for board, parents and community to increase visibility, understanding and awareness of district performance to include board learning session on data metrics.

ACTION: Begin implementation of math program goals as identified in the 2022-23 math curriculum review.

Student Services - Comprehensive Plan

ACTION: Conduct a thorough analysis of club and activities participation and ability to access clubs/activities and present to the Board in the spring of 2024 with a summary of the findings and recommended modifications to the various extracurricular activities that are offered to students, K - 12. 

Facilities - Comprehensive Plan 

ACTION: Increase the number of staff throughout the district who become trained in best practices in CPR and AED, targeting 75% certified/recertified by the end of the 23-24 school year.  Consider the availability of training for community and students.

ACTION: Review the district’s needs assessment for proposed renovations to both the PALMS auditorium, the PHS (backstage), stage (audio and lighting), and the PHS video studio upgrades. A presentation will be made at Facilities in late 2023, to include options and possible timeline for board review and implementation.