Patch 051923

DN Heart Watch Safe School


The Durham Nockamixon Team joins PHS in being another Heart Watch Safe School as designated by the Children’s Hospital of Phila (CHOP)!  Congratulations for being committed to keeping our students and staff safe!

PSD Logo


Palisades School District’s Comprehensive Plan is on our website for public review.  Thank you to the nearly 100 people in this community who served on the Steering and Action Planning Teams to help develop our Plan for the 2023-26 school years.  In Palisades, we value community input for our Comprehensive Plan, and through the work of these participants, we have developed a Plan that will guide many of the decisions in our district for the next 3 years.

Please go to to view the documents regarding our Comprehensive Plan including the goal statements and action plans for each of our focus areas including:  Student Achievement, Communications, Facilities and Student Services.

We are very proud of our work throughout this process and are grateful to those who have been a part of the development over the past school year.  Thank you for your time and your commitment to our students!

Here is a summary of the PSD Comp Plan:  Comprehensive Plan in Summary 23-26.pdf

Tennis Registration

Durham Township 2023 Tennis Schedule.pdf



During week 3, perseverance was the message of the week!  Each school promoted this message via video, activities and exercises!  The elementary schools participated in their annual track and field morning during which students showed their determination and athleticism as evidenced by their perseverance in the events!  Congratulations to Springfield Elementary for taking the top spot among our 3 elementary schools.

At the high school, teachers gave out a coupon for the Pirates Pier to students who demonstrated high levels of perseverance during the week and announcements were developed as reminders for students especially approaching the end of the year tests and projects that our kiddos will be completing!  Also, PALMS lunches included quizzes about how you can put yourself on track with a "growth" mindset.  And a bulletin board with messages about persevering was assembled for students as reminders of "sticking with it" even when the going gets tough!

Again, many thanks to our school counselors who have worked very hard to keep Mental Health Awareness Month going strong!


May 22 – May 26 – Activities Theme is “Be Present…practicing mindfulness and self-regulation”

Wear Purple and Gold each Friday during the Month of May!



You Matter

TOMORROW IS THE DAY...PALISADES COMMUNITY FOUNDATION'S ANNUAL 1 MILE WALK AND FAMILY FUN RUN AND MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE FAIR:Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 20th.  Exercise is an important part of positive Mental Health - since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, join us in this worthwhile event - helping you stay healthy AND our community benefits from your donations!  Registration begins at 7:30AM and the walk/run begins at 9AM! 

Register for the event on Saturday, May 20th!  A healthy way to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month!  Exercise with your community - click on this link:  Sign Up for the PCF 5K and 1 Mile Walk

MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE FAIR PRESENTERS INCLUDE:  Lenape Valley Foundation, NAMI of Bucks County, Bucks County Drug and Alcohol Commission, Bucks County Center for Independent Living, Network of Victims Assistance (NOVA), Penn Foundation, A Woman's Place, Author Cheyenne Mease, Shamrock Reins, Penn Foundation, Heart Well, Upper Bucks Regional EMS and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)...AND MORE!

NEWLY ADDED...we will have two classes/demonstrations in which you can join!  Yoga at 10AM and Qi Gong at 11AM - on the football field in the stadium, will meet near the goal line (on the scoreboard side) - announcements will be made!!!

ALSO, stretching before the race will be provided by Lehigh Valley Health Network for any participants who wish to join!  Announcements will be made for an 8:40AM start!

PCF Logo

All proceeds from the PCF Annual 1 Mile Walk and Family Fun Run, as well as other donations to the Palisades Community Foundation support this community!  Make your tax-deductible donation today!  To make a donation or to sign up for the May 20th event, please visit

Kindness Project

Thank you in advance for your support - boxes will be set up to accept items at the 5K tomorrow!

Tinicum Yard Sale


Please enjoy this month's edition of the UBCTS Newsletter - UBCTS May Newsletter

Help Wanted

Long-Term Substitute Special Education Teacher at Springfield Elementary School  - available the beginning of the 2023/2024 school year through the end of the first semester of the 2023/2024 school year. Interested candidates must be certified in Special Education for grades K-5. Responsibilities to include management of IEP caseload, small group and individual instruction, push-in support for general education classes, possibly co-teaching, etc. Successful candidate will need strong: instructional skills, progress monitoring skills, effective communication skills with parents and co-workers, insightfulness in making accommodations to assist students in the general education setting, classroom management and behavior management skills. 

Interested applicants need to submit through Recruit and Hire at letter of interest, resume, completed PA standard application, college transcripts, copy of PA teaching certificate, 3 letters of recommendation, clearances (Acts 24, 34, 114 & 151 current within the past 12 months of the closing date of this posting), and disclosure form(s) Act 168.  Deadline for applications is June 2, 2023  Letters of interest can be addressed to Mr. Scott Davis, Principal at Springfield Elementary. EOE

Palisades requires a pre-employment drug test as a condition of employment.

Link to clearances:

Pirate Country

PHS Playoffs and Championships - UPDATES


The baseball team qualified for the District XI 2A playoffs and will play at Williams Valley HS at Williams Valley HS on Wednesday, May 24th.  Please be sure to check the District XI website for updates.


The softball team will play in the semi-finals of the District XI 2A playoffs Thursday, May 25th. The site has not yet been determined. Please be sure to check the District XI website for updates.

Track & Field

Congratulations to our Track & Field team for their outstanding performances earlier this week in the District XI Championship! Palisades Track & Field athletes won 14 medals that included 2 gold medals. Click this link to see all the medal winners! Many of our medal winners qualified for the PIAA State Championships that will take place in Shippensburg, PA on May 26th & 27th. The student-athletes that qualified for states can be found in BOLD on the medal winners list.

Calling All 5th Grade Parents!

You are invited to a Parent Chat on Monday, May 22, 2023 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Palisades Middle School Library.  The topic of the Parent Chat is Helping Your Child Make a Smooth Transition to Middle School.

Whether this is your first experience with the Palisades Middle School, or you have older children in the district and could use an update, you will want to join us! Our guest speakers will be Karl Scheibenhofer, Middle School Principal, Rich Spering, Assistant Principal, Amber Blocher, Middle School Counselor, along with 6th grade teacher Robert Schlegel and Exploratory teacher, Brittany McGorrey.

They will provide an overview of the upcoming transition events, 6th grade curriculum, course scheduling and placement, team assignments, field trip information, and extracurricular opportunities, as well as insights regarding social and emotional changes that typically take place during the middle school years. The format of the Parent Chat is relatively informal, and we always encourage questions and a conversation between our presenters and parents.

We hope you will join us on May 22nd for this very important meeting. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Karl Scheibenhofer, Principal, at [email protected].

Senior Awards Ceremony:

Seniors and their parents/guardians are reminded that our annual Senior Awards ceremony will take place on Monday, May 22nd at 6:00 PM in the auditorium. If a senior is receiving an award, he/she would have received an invitation last week.

Yearbook Prom Insert Sales

Is your child planning to attend Prom and would like a keepsake? Purchase Prom Inserts now! They are 4 pages full of pictures and can be inserted into the Yearbook! Even if you did not order a Yearbook, they are still nice to have! Please see this flier for more information.

Graduation Date for the PHS Class of 2023

The graduation date for the Class of 2023 will be Friday, June 2nd at 5:30PM in Walter T. Rohrer stadium. The rain date will be Saturday, June 3rd at 10:00 AM. 

Other promotion dates for our younger students:

6/6 - Springfield Elementary 5th Grade at 9:30AM
6/7 - PALMS 8th Grade at 9AM
6/7 - Durham Nox Elementary 5th Grade at 1PM
6/8 - Tinicum Elementary 5th Grade at 9:30AM

School Device Coverage
Chromebook Insurance:  Getting Ready for 2023-24 - window for payment opens on July 24th!  Same cost as this year!  Click here for more information:  Palisades School District Platinum Plus

Alumni Association Logo

The Palisades HS Alumni Association banquet will be held on Saturday June 17, 2023 at the Springtown Fire Company Hall in Springtown, PA.

Palisades HS Alumni Association Banquet Information

The organization will be awarding 6 scholarships.  You can donate to the scholarship fund for this year. Donations are made payable to the Palisades Alumni Association and may be sent to this address:

Palisades Alumni Association, 53 Wade Drive, Spring City, PA 19475-3438

ESS Attention Graduates

School Board Meetings

Upcoming Meetings:

05/18/2023 - JOC Meeting - Upper Bucks Tech School - 7PM - Main Office Conference Room
05/24/2023 - Facilities Committee Meeting - 6:30PM - PHS Library
06/06/23 - Athletic Committee Meeting - 6:30PM - PHS Library (please note special date and time)
06/07/23 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7PM - PHS Auditorium
06/14/23 - Education Programs and Services Meeting - 6:30PM - PHS Library
06/15/23 - Joint Operating Committee - 7PM - UBCTS Conf. Room
06/19/23 - Fiscal Oversight Committee - 9AM - District Office Conf. Room
06/20/23 - BCIU Board Meeting - 7PM - Bucks County IU Board Room
06/21/23 - Regular School Board Meeting - 7PM - PHS Auditorium

Meeting Agendas are posted on Board Docs on the Friday prior to the scheduled meeting - go to Board Docs to search by date of the meeting.

Community School Programs

FREE CLASS OPPORTUNITY! Try this class and find out why Qi Gong is the most popular form of exercise in the world.

Health Qi Gong (pronounced chee gong) is an ancient form of exercise that combines stretches, flowing movements and standing postures with deep breathing. The gentle rhythmic movements of Qi Gong clear tension from the muscles, reduces stress and help calm the mind. It is both energizing and relaxing. Some of the many benefits of Qi Gong are helping boost the immune system, better balance and increased vitality.

Monday, June 5

6:00 - 7:00 PM

Location: PALMS cafeteria

Instructor: Diane Alex

If interested, please email [email protected]

Pre K Counts

PRE K COUNTS PROGRAM MOVES TO THE NEXT STEP:  At our recent Education Programs and Services Meeting in April, the Committee approved moving forward with our partnership with LifeSpan School and Daycare and the United Way to write for the Pre K Counts Grant which was due on April 25th.  If our application is approved by the state of PA, we will be able to run a Pre K Counts class (students ages 3 and 4) at Durham Nockamixon Elementary School.  We will have 17 slots available.  The program's curriculum and staff will be provided by LifeSpan.

Please share this application with friends and family.  The maximum income is $90,000 for a family of 4 in order to be eligible for this FREE preschool option.

PRE-K COUNTS Bucks County Application 2023-24 FINAL.pdf

Application is sent to:

Nicole Fetherman, Executive Director
2460 John Fries Highway
Quakertown, PA 18951
(215) 536-4417



Palisades Youth Soccer Association 
Travel Soccer - NEW TEAMS: 

We are looking for 2016-2017 players interested in playing Travel Soccer this Fall.

We are also looking for a couple more 2014-2015 Boys and Girls.

If you are interested, please fill out our interest form here ASAP:

Fall teams practice two nights per week beginning in August with games typically on Saturdays between Labor Day and Thanksgiving.

Fall seems so far away, but we need to finalize our team building in early June per league deadlines.

Any questions, contact Nikki Bowen [email protected].

Tinicum Park

PPYF rev

LAST CALL...for merchandise from Youth Football and Cheer!  Youth Football and Cheer Merchandise

DQ is hiring

QNB Art Contest 2023

QNB is calling for entries to its annual Student Art Collector Calendar contest!

As always, the contest is open to all high school students (grades 9-12) in QNB Bank's market area, now through May 26, 2023. The theme for this year's calendar is "Architecture" and the art format is the same as years past – a pen and ink drawing measuring 9" wide by 7" high. In June, fourteen winners will be selected and receive a prize of $100 deposited into a QNB CD or Savings Account and their artwork published in the 2024 calendar.

This will be the 28th installment of the QNB Student Art Collector Calendar, and we look forward to seeing the amazing artwork from all of the talented students in our communities. Entry forms with a full list of rules and regulations for the contest are available at all QNB Bank locations and on our website at Questions may be directed to the QNB Bank Marketing Department at 215-538-5600 ext. 5756.

Free Dental

Listening Session

Fritz Ad Watering Help Needed

June Flea Market




YMCA Summer Programming

Campers will be bussed from Palisades to the Quakertown Y and returned to the Palisades campus at the end of the day for parent pick up.  Click on this brochure for registration and more information:  YMCA Camp Brochure 2023

Sports Camps


Boys Basketball  - Camp Director: Bob Musantry

High School Purple Gym - June 24th and 25th 

Skills Clinic - Working on skills and drills for basketball players in grades 5th-8th

9 AM - 12 Noon 

$50 a camper, $40 per camper if registering more than 1 child 

Contact: Bob Musantry [email protected]  for more information.

Girls’ Basketball - Camp Director: Karlee Krchnavi

High School Purple Gym - July 24th, 25th, 26th

8am - 12 Noon

$50 a camper, $40 per camper if registering more than 1 child 

Register by July 1st to guarantee t-shirt. After July 1—t-shirt is not guaranteed

Contact Coach Krchnavi for more details: [email protected]

Baseball - Camp Director Gary Koenig - NEW SCHEDULE DATES/COST

Dates:  July 24-26

Times:  8am-noon

Grades:  K-7th

Cost:  $100

[email protected]

See Flyer Linked Here for details and registration:  Summer Baseball Clinics rev.pdf

Field Hockey - Camp Director Kim DeNato 

Dates: June 12-14

Times: 9-11am

Grades 3rd- 6th 

A great way to try field hockey, learn new skills, play games, and team building exercises. The high school players will be assisting. 

Cost - $40  

[email protected] 


My name is Sydney Gibbard, and I am the Co-Founder of 
Girls Code the World, a nonprofit that provides resources, role models, and opportunities in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics)-related fields for women and girls through educational programming, extended mentorships, and intersectional support.

Overall Information
I am beyond excited to share with you a Summer STEM/Coding Program Opportunity for girls. Our public programs are one week long, offered in three different locations, designed for 8-12 year olds, and expose students to intersectional hands-on STEM concepts and role models in these career fields.

Our programs are $350, which covers all of their materials for the week, t-shirts, hands-on instructors, and lifelong connections to the Girls Code the World mentorship system. Full scholarships are available and encouraged to apply for. Teachers can nominate outstanding students for scholarships here, and parents can apply for scholarships here.

We will be hosting several programs in different locations across PA:
  • The Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, PA
  • Montgomery County Community College in Montgomery County, PA
  • The PA Biotechnology Center in Bucks County, PA 

Haycock Open House

Haycock Day Camp

Troop 27 summer

Prallsville Camp

Summer Camp

Tinicum Arts Festival Dates 2023

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  To become a volunteer at this annual event, please visit the Tinicum Arts Festival website.

** The Tinicum Civic Association is getting ready for the Tinicum Arts Festival - July 8th & 9th!  A Great Bucks County Tradition where the whole family can enjoy themselves AND the community receives the benefits!

For the treasure seekers and spring cleaners the White Elephant & Book Wagon tents are festival favorites. Get ready and clean out those closets, attics and bookshelves.

In June, on: only THREE SUNDAYS (June 11, 18 and 25) from 10-1, volunteers are collecting all kinds of books, cd’s, paperback novels, hardcover books so bring your donations to the back of the barn at Tinicum Park.

As for the White Elephant collection dates will take place on All Sundays in JUNE from 10 am- 12 noon by dropping off your donations at 226 East Dark Hollow Road in Pipersville, PA. Tools, vintage items, clever kitchen gadgets, home décor items and attic treasures will be accepted! (no baby cribs-bikes-strollers & no electronics & no exercise equipment)

So this month get into those closets, barns and attics and find some treasures to pass along AND join us on July 8th & 9th and have some fun - all for a great cause!

Earth School Summer Camp

Here are the details:
Session 1- July 3-7, Ralph Stover State Park
(4th off)
Session 2 - July 10-14 Ralph Stover State Park
Session 3 - July 17-21 Ralph Stover State Park 
Session 4 - July 24-28 - Bucks Co. Audubon

Wellness Days 2023

Wellness Days Agenda