What You Should Know About Transportation at Palisades

The Palisades School District is 100 square miles, with very rural areas throughout Bucks County, in South Eastern Pennsylvania. Over 2000 students are assigned to ride the District's school buses. We provide transportation service to our high school, middle school and 3 elementary schools, as well as 29 non-public and special education schools and programs, spanning as far as 10 miles further outside of our district boundaries.

Each year, we create and develop scenarios that would generate a continued approach to savings and fiscal accountability, and we review all aspects of our transportation service with a goal of maintaining student safety, and a more cost-efficient smooth system.

Challenges and Considerations

Solution and Action

Underutilized bus routes

Revamp routing system logic, increase capacity

Amount of Bus stops

Consolidate stops, eliminate convenience stops

Varied dismissal bell times

Provide transfer bus-pick-ups/drop-offs

Managing ride times to standard

Balance ride times on all routes

Timing delays outside of the district

Arrangements with neighboring districts

Fuel Costs

Bid process & less bus usage

Longer routes, earlier pick up/drop off times

Combined routes, eliminated 5 buses, in 4 yrs.

Additionally, through our contracted bus service we continue to bring efficient times to each route. We continue to balance bus utilization, the state transportation subsidy, district expectations, and feedback from parents and students.


Bottom Line

Buildings now used as transfer sites

Cost reductions $250,000 past 4 yrs.

Students walking further to bus stops

Saved approx 6000 gallons diesel fuel

Provide house pick-up drop off for hazardous roads

State subsidy financial impact

Use door side as the rule for elementary on busy roads

Bus seats are filled

Ride times increased

Student transportation is a shared responsibility between our families and the school district. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me directly.

Lorie Olexson, Business Administrator, Transportation and Food Service
39 Thomas Free Drive, Kintnersville, PA 18930
610-847-5131 x 4007
8:00am - 4:00pm
24-hour/day voicemail