Transportation Information

The safety and welfare of all students residing in the Palisades School District is a primary concern. The information and rules of conduct contained here are intended to create school days that begin and end on a positive note for everyone. Please review this information with your child(ren). Working together we will provide a safe and pleasant bus experience.


  1. All students are expected to arrive at the prescribed bus stop at least five (5) minutes ahead of the posted stop time. The student should stand ten feet (10) feet back from the roadway, wait for the bus to come to a complete stop and watch for the driver's signal that it is safe to board the bus. Students must be visible to the driver or the bus will not stop and the bus cannot wait on the roadway for tardy students.

  2. Each student must use his/her assigned bus stop determined by his/her legal residence. Exceptions may be made for childcare purposes and in co-parenting situations through the school office and with the approval of the transportation director. Any student intending to board a bus other than his/her assigned bus must obtain a bus pass from the office at school in advance of boarding or transportation will be denied. (More detailed information available on request)

  • A bus stop exception will only be made for daycare requests that occur for the entire school year five days each week. A student must ride on the same bus every morning from home or from the childcare provider and/or must ride the same bus every afternoon to return home or to a care provider. The morning bus may differ from the afternoon bus. The official district bus exception request form is available through your student's school office.

  • The care provider must be located within district boundaries the attendance area of the student's school.

  • Requests for several days per week must be made in writing each week so that a bus pass is issued.

  1. Palisades School District does not transport any non-district students on its buses for public or private schools.

  2. Parents are responsible for the safety of their children while going to or from the bus stop and when waiting at the bus stop before boarding the school bus and resume responsibility when the student is discharged from the school bus.

  3. Questions regarding bus stops/procedures should be directed to the transportation director.

  4. In the event of a bus delay, in excess of fifteen (15) minutes, we will notify you using our School Messenger system.

  5. The HOTLINE (610-847-5131 ext. 4300) will have daily, specific notices recorded.

BUS CONDUCT: School Rules Apply!! The bus is not a rolling playground.

  1. Follow the instructions of the driver.

  2. Do not eat, drink, or smoke on the bus.

  3. Keep all harmful materials off the bus.

  4. Keep all of your body parts and all objects to yourself and inside the bus.

  5. Use appropriate and respectful language and behavior. Keep the noise level down.

  6. Keep the aisle clear and do not litter, write on or damage bus.

  7. Remain seated; please do not move about the bus from seat to seat.


Infractions occurring on the bus will be reported to the Principal of the school and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. This action may consist of, but not be limited to, verbal warnings, in-school and after-school detentions, temporary suspension of transportation privileges and, in the case of severe or recurring problems, permanent suspension of bus privileges.

Due to the safety and security responsibility of student transportation, the Palisades School District has provided the following guidance for safe transport.

Bus Stop Exception form

A bus stop exception form is required to be submitted for regular before or after child care. We do pick up and transport to the local day care centers. In the event a custodial child care pick-up and drop off location is needed, (different from home address), the bus stop exception form will need to be submitted. The form is on our web site. Please submit to the building secretary for processing.

Split custody transportation arrangements

In the event that daily pick up and drop off addresses are different due to a custody arrangement, please submit the bus stop exception form. If a court order defines the required bus stop, please provide a copy also. If this is a rotating situation, and not a regular same day pattern, please contact the Transportation Director, at 610 847-5131 ext. 5002.

Daily Bus stop changes: parent or guardian requests

In the event a student requests getting off of the bus at a different bus stop, on their current bus, please contact the transportation Director, at 610 847-5131 ext. 5002. We will communicate to the bus driver, and provide a one-day pass. In the event a student requests boarding a different bus at departure time, 24 hr. advanced approval will be granted for emergency, or a medical need. The building principal would need to pre-approve the request and notify the Transportation Director. We will communicate to the bus driver, and provide a one-day pass.

Questions, Concerns, and Information:
Palisades Transportation Office
Gerry Giarratana, Director
20 School Dr., Kintnersville, PA
610-847-5131, Ext. 5002
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
24 hr/day - Voice Mail

Krapf Bus Company
Val Housworth, Manager
22 School Dr., Kintnersville, PA
6:00 am - 5:00 pm
Phone + 24 hr/day Answering Machine: 484-812-0150
Emergency-Only Cell: 484-635-0151