Diseases & Exclusions

Reportable Diseases

The Palisades School District relies on guidance provided by the Bucks County Department of Health on issues related to reportable diseases. The following is a list of diseases that are reported immediately because these particular diseases may result in the recommended exclusion of students and/or staff from school or distribution of community notification.




Food poisoning

Haemophilus influenzae invasive disease (Hib)

Hemorrhagic fever

Hepatitis, viral acute and chronic


Meningococcal invasive disease

Meningitis Mumps Pertussis (whooping cough) Plague Poliomyelitis Rubella Smallpox Tuberculosis

Exclusions From School

Exclusions from school of the afflicted student/staff member and/or unvaccinated students/staff members are determined by the Department of Health.  In many situations, unvaccinated students/staff may return to school after receiving the appropriate vaccination or after the designated incubation period.

The following childhood ailments do not require exclusion:

Head lice: students diagnosed with live head lice do not need to be sent home early from school; they can go home at the end of the day, be treated, and return to school after the appropriate treatment has begun. (CDC: Head Lice Treatment)

Conjunctivitis (pink eye): students with pink eye may remain in school. Any child with pink eye who suffers eye pain, inability to open an eye, or has too much discharge rendering him/her uncomfortable may be sent  home at the discretion of the nurse.

MRSA:  students with MRSA do not need to be excluded from school or athletics unless directed by a physician. Exclusions are typically reserved for those with wound drainage that cannot be covered and contained with a clean, dry bandage. Notification: the building nurse will notify student, parent, physical education teacher and athletic director.

Resources from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):


Lice Information Lice in Schools

Pink Eye


In consultation with the Department of Health, the building nurse will notify only those students/staff members that are particularly at risk of contracting the disease based on several factors including method of transmission, likelihood of transmission based on typical interaction and known health of history of student/staff member. (Staff members with medical conditions which may cause them to be susceptible or at risk for communicable diseases are responsible to keep the building nurse informed of their condition.)

If community notification is advised by the Department of Health, a letter will be issued by the Director of Student Services to all families in the district. This letter will not be building specific as those that are most at risk will have been notified by the building nurse.  The letter will explain which of the diseases (see above) has been identified in the community and will also include a fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to assist families in early identification of symptoms, prevention and guidance in the event a family member is  suspected of having contracted the disease.